my oc world

Name: Fumiko
Age: 24
Gender: nonbinary
Pronouns: they/them
Race: japanese + indigenous caribbean
Orientation: lesbian


Obsessive and jittery, Fumiko often comes off as weird or creepy to people first meeting her. They're obsessed with attention and getting people to like them, and are willing to do anything to gain approval from others. They're extremely depressed and very easily disappointed, and don't know how to properly express or experience healthy affection. They're not above posting pictures of their own self harm online to get attention, and are obsessed with their follower account, often venting online and basing their worth on people's responses to them.


Fumiko is a vent art oc, used to represent my own intrusive thoughts and other health symptoms in art. They don't have a dedicated backstory as of now!
View their gallery here!